Happy New Year!
This year has brought many memories to our family. Some wonderful while some were hard to go through, but through them all God remained faithful and strengthened us along the way. Many times God brought Deut 31:8 to our hearts this past year. Thankful that no matter what we go through in life, we never have to go through it alone.
Were very excited for what the Lord has for our family and FRAME in 2014. In Jan we are planning to have our first meeting with FRAMEs advisory team. Very thankful for those that God has laid on our hearts to join us in this ministry. Also starting in Feb we will be starting a faith based support group for North Central Ohio. Anyone who has, is or thinking about fostering and/or adopting is welcome. Also kinship families are welcome. We look forward to encouraging one another on our journeys as we help these precious hurt children. Our first meeting will be the second Monday of Feb and be every other month. Childcare will be provided on the same premises as the support meetings. If you would like more info or to be added to an email list that goes out about our meetings please contact us at frame@bethelchapel.com
Our family prays you have a blessed New Year and that you know how truly much Jesus Christ loves you.
The Stuarts
Monday, December 30, 2013
Thursday, November 28, 2013
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving to your home from ours.
We pray you have a blessed day with family and friends and choose an attitude of gratefulness even if everything in your life may not exactly be going the way you would like right now.
I say that because that is what I am trying to do, not because I have perfected that attitude.
Last week an event unfolded very quickly in our families lives that changed things forever. We had a very short time to say goodbye to someone very dear to us. Someone we had invested our lives into for over a year. Someone that will always hold a special place in our hearts.
Even now as our hearts are still hurting, we're trying to move forward and get used to our "new normal," whatever exactly that is. As we move forward, at times we'll find ourselves smiling and laughing again and then out of the blue our hurt hits us like a brick and we're reminded yet again that we live in a fallen world. I find the older I get that heaven seems so much sweeter to me than it did as a child. Knowing my Savior is there and loved ones that have gone on before me. I think of part of a song that says, "what a day that will be, when my Savior I shall see. When I look upon His face, the One who saved me by His grace. When he turns and takes my hand and leads me through the promised land, what a day, glorious day that will be." Until then I am trying to choose an attitude of thanksgiving even when life does not go the way I would choose. I am reminded in Isaiah 55:8, "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways," declares the Lord.
I encourage you and your home to choose an attitude of Thanksgiving today and know how much the Lord truly does loves you.
We pray you have a blessed day with family and friends and choose an attitude of gratefulness even if everything in your life may not exactly be going the way you would like right now.
I say that because that is what I am trying to do, not because I have perfected that attitude.
Last week an event unfolded very quickly in our families lives that changed things forever. We had a very short time to say goodbye to someone very dear to us. Someone we had invested our lives into for over a year. Someone that will always hold a special place in our hearts.
Even now as our hearts are still hurting, we're trying to move forward and get used to our "new normal," whatever exactly that is. As we move forward, at times we'll find ourselves smiling and laughing again and then out of the blue our hurt hits us like a brick and we're reminded yet again that we live in a fallen world. I find the older I get that heaven seems so much sweeter to me than it did as a child. Knowing my Savior is there and loved ones that have gone on before me. I think of part of a song that says, "what a day that will be, when my Savior I shall see. When I look upon His face, the One who saved me by His grace. When he turns and takes my hand and leads me through the promised land, what a day, glorious day that will be." Until then I am trying to choose an attitude of thanksgiving even when life does not go the way I would choose. I am reminded in Isaiah 55:8, "For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways," declares the Lord.
I encourage you and your home to choose an attitude of Thanksgiving today and know how much the Lord truly does loves you.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Dear (Foster) Momma to a Stranger's Child
Dear (Foster) Momma to a Stranger’s Child
Dear (Foster) Momma to a Stranger’s Child,
I talk to you often in the work I do. I hear you say, “We want to hang in there”, or “We are doing the best we can”, and even, “I don’t know if I am up for this.” I hear these words through your shaky, weakened voices. But, what I really hear is you saying, “I don’t want to be another mother who disregards this child”, or “If I could, I would provide this child with every ounce of my being in order to heal him or her.”
You are walking in very heavy shoes. You are feeling as though your efforts are disregarded, don’t matter, don’t work, and will be forgotten about in the fleeting moments of a day. I’m here to tell you, they are not. They are not disregarded. They do matter. They work, and they will never be forgotten.
Dear Momma of a Stranger’s Child, you are one of the bravest mothers of all. You’ve ventured into the murky waters of loving a child whose hurts seem like they could go on for an eternity.
You, dear Momma of a Stranger’s Child, you are a broken-hearted warrior.
You hear from others, “You are doing a good thing”, “I could never do what you do”, or “Your faith is bigger than this.” While you hear these words of comfort and affirmation, your heart is screaming in that silent, lonely place of wondering if you really are doing a good thing, if you really should be doing what you are doing, and if your faith really is bigger than this. You, dear Momma of a Stranger’s Child, you wonder where God is in all of the hurts put on children in His world.
You, dear Momma of a Stranger’s Child, you long for rest. You grasp for answers, and you pray for healing. You get angry. You wonder why any mother would neglect, be absent, abuse, or completely disregard her child. You wonder why you are left to pick up the pieces.
You want the Lord to step in, heal, and completely restore the broken child in your arms. You cry and pray for this so often that it feels as though you can no longer find the words, or muster up the tears.
Dear Momma of a Stranger’s child, you were once a broken child, too. At one time, you were lost in a world of despair. You needed to be picked up, cleaned off, and captured by a love so strong that the greatest army could not break it.
You were worth it. You were not forgotten. You were brought out of the darkness, and into the cleansing light.
YOU were meant to make a difference in the world.
Dear Momma of a Stranger’s Child, please do not give up. You are the backbone to so many forgotten children. You are a living example of an unconditional, incomparable type of love that is a rarity in the world we find ourselves in.
You will get hurt. You will have many sleepless nights. You will have some doubts, regrets, and desires for do-overs. You will be exhausted. You will get angry. You may even be ignored.
Your Father in Heaven sees your actions. He sits with you in the midnight hours when the stranger’s child is raging. He is with you when you walk out of court rooms or meetings still not knowing what the future holds for the child in your care. He hears your pleas. He sings over you in your fretful night’s sleep.
Dear Momma of a Stranger’s Child, do you want to know why you are probably the most important mother in this world?
Perhaps someday, the little one you are loving on, praying for, staying up all night with, advocating for, crying over, taking in or letting go, will grow up to be a Momma (or even a Daddy) to a Stranger’s Child.
Isn’t that worth it all?
Monday, November 11, 2013
Written by a dear friend and one of the Pastor's of the church we attend.
Rev. Eric D. Abel
Director of The Harbor
Bethel Baptist Church
Savannah, Ohio
October 29, 2013
Title: “I thought I was Jesus, but I realized I was Lot”
October is a time of the year where deception and trickery take center stage for the
Halloween masquerade. People of all ages dress up, and through costumes and make-up,
transform themselves from the person who they are into a fearful or funny character. While
trick-or-treating, or being at a Fall Festival is a time when the suspense of wondering who
the person “really is” wearing the costume is enjoyable, in our daily lives, the horror of not
knowing who we, or those around us really are, is a devastating trap that has the power to
wound, damage, or even destroy oneself and others.
Quoting a current foster parent, he clearly expressed the challenges his family faces and
stated the following phrase, “I thought I was Jesus, but I realized that I was Lot.” The
statement is extremely powerful, and speaks to the very heart of the challenges facing our
communities children in the care of state run agencies.
The Bible states in Genesis 18, the account of Abraham's interaction with the three heavenly
visitors. In many ways, the message recorded in this part of scripture parallels the mental
dialogue of Christians working within the Social Service arena today. The dialogue between
Abraham and the visitors quickly captures any sensitive reader's attention, and the appeal
made by Abraham, clearly echos truth for today from the past.
Within the human service arena, well intending people, some Christians, have attempted to
engage the system for the purpose of fulfilling their God given call to care for orphans and
provide a safe place for children during a time of family crisis. These Christian foster parents
do noble work and provide genuine care for the most needy of children. There service is
admirable, and, at the core is a genuine effort to thwart the consequences of sin, human
cruelty, and bureaucratic corruption. These foster parents are truly making every effort to be
like Jesus in the midst of immeasurable crisis.
Just as Abraham made an earnest attempt to delay or prevent God's righteous judgment from
falling on Sodom by bargaining with his heavenly visitors, Christians today are seeking ways
to avert the devastating effects brought on by a society who has turned its back on God, His
plan for families, and His instructions for mankind.
Abraham asked “If there is 50 will you spare the city? If there is only 10 will you spare the
city?” and God demonstrates ever increasing grace in light of Abraham's recognition of extent
of Sodom's depravity. The parallels of this dialogue with the best intentions of Christians
working within the state controlled social service arena are clear in that there is a blatant need
for righteousness, and the overwhelming answer from society is to combat the problems of
society with the limited and diminishing resources of the world in an attempt to produce a
“civil” society. God is ignored and His blessing is rejected.
Corruption and ungodly philosophy will never produce health, safety, or peace for any child.
Jesus, the greatest teacher who ever lived, and He clearly taught about how to “rescue”
hurting children. He said in Matthew 19:14, “Let the little children come to Me.” As people
who are intimately involved in the service of children, the answer that Jesus gave is still the
only answer, direct the children to Jesus.
Jesus' purpose of coming to Earth was to be the atoning Sacrifice, to pay the penalty for
mankind's sin. He came to seek and to save the lost and dying people of the world. Many
well intending Christians have been ignored, and public system has been profoundly
corrupted, just like Sodom.
In the midst of the current situation facing the Child welfare system, the call of God does not
change, Christianity is a faith that must be coupled with actions, and the provision and care
for orphans and widows is the ultimate expression of Godliness. The child service system
services a tremendous need, and exposes the need for the Church to exercise its influence
and to get involved with families to practically protect and earn the right to influence society
for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Some ways that the Church can effect the lives of needy children is to be the living hands and
feet of God. The call to action, and to exercise the God given responsibility of the Church, to
take care of those in the Social Services system is to provide for the needs of the people in
the Church's community. The Church needs to be a living and giving, a growing and knowing
group of believers who live the love of Jesus in practical ways. When Jesus calls believers
to “love your neighbor”, we as Christians needs to empower our Churches to actually do just
that. Love God, and do so by loving people, especially orphans and widows.
It is time for the Church to come alive in the arena of practical care of the children, the needy,
and the elderly. The Church needs to step up.
As my dear foster parent friend stated, “I thought I was Jesus, but realized I was Lot.” In
both cases, I was exposed as putting on the mask for the moment. I thought I was being
Jesus, then it became clear, I was not impacting those around me for God's Kingdom, rather I
was being, even leading the charge toward the fate of Sodom.
The answer is never to condemn people, only God can do that, rather the answer is to turn
from society's wicked and sinful ways, to repent and call on the grace of Jesus Himself. God
is in the rescuing business. Jesus cares infinitely for the needs of Children, and we as the
Church need to take action to honor God as we purposefully engage people. God loves
people, and the Social Service System is a far cry from God.
In Conclusion, Jesus' teaching and His life demonstrate the most important actions any
person can take. Jesus said, “Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, with all of your
soul, and with all of your strength.” He continued and said the second greatest command
is to “love your neighbor as your self.” The church is called by God to wake up and live the
gospel. Take off your masks, look around us. The field is ready, but the Christian workers
are few. In reality, the system is part of the challenge our children face, but when the people
of the Church rise up, take off their masks, and genuinely live the love of Jesus into the lives
of orphans and widows, then, our society will have reason to celebrate, and there will be no
need for costumes.
Director of The Harbor
Bethel Baptist Church
Savannah, Ohio
October 29, 2013
Title: “I thought I was Jesus, but I realized I was Lot”
October is a time of the year where deception and trickery take center stage for the
Halloween masquerade. People of all ages dress up, and through costumes and make-up,
transform themselves from the person who they are into a fearful or funny character. While
trick-or-treating, or being at a Fall Festival is a time when the suspense of wondering who
the person “really is” wearing the costume is enjoyable, in our daily lives, the horror of not
knowing who we, or those around us really are, is a devastating trap that has the power to
wound, damage, or even destroy oneself and others.
Quoting a current foster parent, he clearly expressed the challenges his family faces and
stated the following phrase, “I thought I was Jesus, but I realized that I was Lot.” The
statement is extremely powerful, and speaks to the very heart of the challenges facing our
communities children in the care of state run agencies.
The Bible states in Genesis 18, the account of Abraham's interaction with the three heavenly
visitors. In many ways, the message recorded in this part of scripture parallels the mental
dialogue of Christians working within the Social Service arena today. The dialogue between
Abraham and the visitors quickly captures any sensitive reader's attention, and the appeal
made by Abraham, clearly echos truth for today from the past.
Within the human service arena, well intending people, some Christians, have attempted to
engage the system for the purpose of fulfilling their God given call to care for orphans and
provide a safe place for children during a time of family crisis. These Christian foster parents
do noble work and provide genuine care for the most needy of children. There service is
admirable, and, at the core is a genuine effort to thwart the consequences of sin, human
cruelty, and bureaucratic corruption. These foster parents are truly making every effort to be
like Jesus in the midst of immeasurable crisis.
Just as Abraham made an earnest attempt to delay or prevent God's righteous judgment from
falling on Sodom by bargaining with his heavenly visitors, Christians today are seeking ways
to avert the devastating effects brought on by a society who has turned its back on God, His
plan for families, and His instructions for mankind.
Abraham asked “If there is 50 will you spare the city? If there is only 10 will you spare the
city?” and God demonstrates ever increasing grace in light of Abraham's recognition of extent
of Sodom's depravity. The parallels of this dialogue with the best intentions of Christians
working within the state controlled social service arena are clear in that there is a blatant need
for righteousness, and the overwhelming answer from society is to combat the problems of
society with the limited and diminishing resources of the world in an attempt to produce a
“civil” society. God is ignored and His blessing is rejected.
Corruption and ungodly philosophy will never produce health, safety, or peace for any child.
Jesus, the greatest teacher who ever lived, and He clearly taught about how to “rescue”
hurting children. He said in Matthew 19:14, “Let the little children come to Me.” As people
who are intimately involved in the service of children, the answer that Jesus gave is still the
only answer, direct the children to Jesus.
Jesus' purpose of coming to Earth was to be the atoning Sacrifice, to pay the penalty for
mankind's sin. He came to seek and to save the lost and dying people of the world. Many
well intending Christians have been ignored, and public system has been profoundly
corrupted, just like Sodom.
In the midst of the current situation facing the Child welfare system, the call of God does not
change, Christianity is a faith that must be coupled with actions, and the provision and care
for orphans and widows is the ultimate expression of Godliness. The child service system
services a tremendous need, and exposes the need for the Church to exercise its influence
and to get involved with families to practically protect and earn the right to influence society
for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Some ways that the Church can effect the lives of needy children is to be the living hands and
feet of God. The call to action, and to exercise the God given responsibility of the Church, to
take care of those in the Social Services system is to provide for the needs of the people in
the Church's community. The Church needs to be a living and giving, a growing and knowing
group of believers who live the love of Jesus in practical ways. When Jesus calls believers
to “love your neighbor”, we as Christians needs to empower our Churches to actually do just
that. Love God, and do so by loving people, especially orphans and widows.
It is time for the Church to come alive in the arena of practical care of the children, the needy,
and the elderly. The Church needs to step up.
As my dear foster parent friend stated, “I thought I was Jesus, but realized I was Lot.” In
both cases, I was exposed as putting on the mask for the moment. I thought I was being
Jesus, then it became clear, I was not impacting those around me for God's Kingdom, rather I
was being, even leading the charge toward the fate of Sodom.
The answer is never to condemn people, only God can do that, rather the answer is to turn
from society's wicked and sinful ways, to repent and call on the grace of Jesus Himself. God
is in the rescuing business. Jesus cares infinitely for the needs of Children, and we as the
Church need to take action to honor God as we purposefully engage people. God loves
people, and the Social Service System is a far cry from God.
In Conclusion, Jesus' teaching and His life demonstrate the most important actions any
person can take. Jesus said, “Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, with all of your
soul, and with all of your strength.” He continued and said the second greatest command
is to “love your neighbor as your self.” The church is called by God to wake up and live the
gospel. Take off your masks, look around us. The field is ready, but the Christian workers
are few. In reality, the system is part of the challenge our children face, but when the people
of the Church rise up, take off their masks, and genuinely live the love of Jesus into the lives
of orphans and widows, then, our society will have reason to celebrate, and there will be no
need for costumes.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
November- Adoption awareness month
November is adoption awareness month. I was given the privilege of attending a foster and adoption conference last weekend in Kettering, Ohio. A couple churches in that town put on the conference.
Being a foster and adoptive momma I truly appreciate the times when I get to be around other momma's that foster or adopt. Three of my friends from our mom's support group I attend were able to attend also. We called ourselves the "trauma mama's". For those of you that have or are in this type of ministry you understand how fitting that name is. We pour out our hearts to children that have experienced so much trauma, no fault of their own.
I wanted to share some things that I took away from the conference. I appreciated how the keynote speaker, the worship, the break out sessions, etc... all pointed us back to Christ. He is the reason we do this ministry.
The keynote speaker shared with us that the children in our home are called to be the sons and daughters of the most high. We need to help them come to full adoption through Jesus Christ.
We need to all pray for our children more.
Statistics from the conference said that there are currently 2,655 children waiting to be adopted in the state of Ohio. If you think about it there are more than 2,655 churches in the state of Ohio. I know in Ashland county alone there are around 120 churches. Therefore if one family from each church would open their hearts and home up to these orphans the state of Ohio would have no children waiting to be adopted. That number seems large at first but when you break it down it really is doable. It takes the body of Christ stepping up and being the hands and feet of Jesus. It takes others who are unable to adopt to fully support and encourage those who are. It was mentioned at the conference that we're not looking for more pictures of orphans on people's refrigerator's but orphans eating out of people's refrigerator's.
The quote that stood out to me the most and encouraged my heartstrings was the saying, "It's not about living happily ever after, but faithfully ever after." I pray that when it's all said and done that can be said about me and my loved ones.
Being a foster and adoptive momma I truly appreciate the times when I get to be around other momma's that foster or adopt. Three of my friends from our mom's support group I attend were able to attend also. We called ourselves the "trauma mama's". For those of you that have or are in this type of ministry you understand how fitting that name is. We pour out our hearts to children that have experienced so much trauma, no fault of their own.
I wanted to share some things that I took away from the conference. I appreciated how the keynote speaker, the worship, the break out sessions, etc... all pointed us back to Christ. He is the reason we do this ministry.
The keynote speaker shared with us that the children in our home are called to be the sons and daughters of the most high. We need to help them come to full adoption through Jesus Christ.
We need to all pray for our children more.
Statistics from the conference said that there are currently 2,655 children waiting to be adopted in the state of Ohio. If you think about it there are more than 2,655 churches in the state of Ohio. I know in Ashland county alone there are around 120 churches. Therefore if one family from each church would open their hearts and home up to these orphans the state of Ohio would have no children waiting to be adopted. That number seems large at first but when you break it down it really is doable. It takes the body of Christ stepping up and being the hands and feet of Jesus. It takes others who are unable to adopt to fully support and encourage those who are. It was mentioned at the conference that we're not looking for more pictures of orphans on people's refrigerator's but orphans eating out of people's refrigerator's.
The quote that stood out to me the most and encouraged my heartstrings was the saying, "It's not about living happily ever after, but faithfully ever after." I pray that when it's all said and done that can be said about me and my loved ones.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Going to bat!
Wednesday morning I had an
important meeting I needed to attend concerning our foster daughter.
Honestly I was not looking forward to this meeting but I knew it was
necessary to go to support our foster daughter and what was in her
best interest. Nick and I are huge advocates for getting as much help
as possible for children as they stay in our home. That may be
through medical appointments, counseling, clothing, educational
assistance, etc... We speak up for them and push for decisions to be
made in the child's best interest. They need a voice and for whatever
length of time they stay with us we go to bat for them. So why would
this meeting be any different, right? Very thankful to say our
county's children service department handled the meeting very
professionally but as I sat across the table from a birth parent and
heard accusation after accusation against me with no evidence to
prove anything I am so thankful for a heavenly Father who calms my
emotions and speaks through me. I said very little but what I did say
I meant and was direct, but kind also. I am not here to tear anybody
up but you better believe I will stand up for what is right. I've
learned through this ministry and life as I grow older and grow in my
walk with the Lord that sometimes the fewer words said can be best.
To make those words really count and not to back down from what you
believe in. Right is right and wrong is wrong and there is NO gray
area. As I left the meeting and headed back to work subbing at the
school the Lord put a word picture in my mind of what it was like for
Him when He went to bat for me and suffered and went to the cross and
took my place even though He was innocent. Wow! Thankful that my
Savior gets what I'm going through and walks right beside me through
this journey of life. Of course my situation is nothing in comparison
to what Jesus went through but still thankful He gets me and truly
understands how I feel.
Please be in prayer for
our ministry as we begin taping this Saturday for a dvd that will be
given to churches to share with their congregations on orphan Sunday
in November. The need for foster families is great and we need the
body of Christ to go to bat for these kids. This dvd will hopefully
help to answer questions and point people to ways they can get
involved. Very thankful for the churches and families that are
involved in helping to make this dvd happen.
Our last support meeting
was a success and the adults enjoyed the fellowship with one another
as the children laughed and played together. We plan to do our
October/November meeting combined with a family style dinner with our
families. Please pray as we try to reach and encourage more families
to get involved with the support meetings.
Thanks for taking time to
read our blogs and pray for our family and ministry. You are a part
of this ministry too and your prayers are changing lives. God bless
you all!:0)
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Update on FRAME
It's been awhile since
we've posted a blog. The kids are back to school now and summer has
come and gone way too fast. Thankful though for the fun times and
memories made this past summer. Hard to believe another school year
has come. With 2 freshmen, 1 6th grader, 1 3rd
and a kindergartener our household stays interesting to say the
least. Looking forward to another great year of school and thankful
for the great school system our kids are blessed to attend.
A lot of activities have
been going on with our FRAME ministry.
FRAME is actively
supporting Ashland county with leading a support group for foster and
adoptive families. Our next one is Saturday, September 7th
at our place. Cook out at 5pm and meeting at 6pm. Looking forward to
a great time.
We had the opportunity to
get word out about FRAME at our schools first day celebration at
their community tables outreach. Our neighboring county, Richland,
is interested also in FRAME's involvement in their county. That is
something we're still discussing and need to pray about.
We continue to work
alongside our county, Ashland, to help encourage current foster and
adoptive families and to help recruit new families. We've been
invited to display our FRAME materials at Ashland county children
service's booth at our county fair that is coming up in mid
September. There are over 80 children in care in Ashland county and
only 8 foster homes. The need is great!
Well there is a little
update on what is going on with the ministry. Please continue to pray
for our family as we serve the Lord through FRAME and for protection
for us from the evil one. Thankfully greater is He that is in me than
he that is in this world.
Just say Jesus!
Lord is the One who goes ahead of you; He will be with you. He will
not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.
What a verse. So thankful to my sis for giving me this verse this
past week as our family went through a spiritual battle with our
share our experiences with you not to bring praise to us in anyway
but to encourage you along your journey and to point you to the One
who deserves all our praise.
evening at our home turned out to be an evening we'll probably never
forget. What seemed like a normal day changed into something that
changed things in our household forever. Something happened involving
the children we foster. Something that we could've not predicted or
expected would happen. So here we go into battle once again. Our
household was a mess and there was an endless supply of tears from
most of our eyes. Everything seemed to be falling apart before our
eyes and all we could do was try to breathe and cry out to God in
whatever few words we could get out. During this struggle our oldest
son was in his room reading his Bible. He came upstairs to show me
the passage he was reading and he wanted me to read it. Wow! God
using my 11 year old son to encourage my heart. As the weekend went
on we had numerous people praying for our family and we were ready
for Monday to come to try to figure everything out that was going on.
My flesh was weak, mad, frusterated, angry, hurt, etc... but
thankfully we serve a Savior who never leaves us or forsakes us. Even
in our darkest hours He is the light that gets us through. My sister
also sent me a song called, “Just say Jesus.” Wow, once again.
Part of the song goes, “when you don't know what to say, just say
Jesus. There is power in His name, the name of Jesus.” There were
points this weekend when all I could get the words to say was Jesus
and through that song it encouraged me that saying Jesus was enough.
It was ok that I didn't have the right words to pray or that I felt
like my heart was torn from my chest. Just say Jesus!
morning, the day we were waiting for. The day we were hoping for to
straighten up all this madness. Before my meeting I prayed the verse
my sister gave me, that I wrote at the beginning of this post. I
claimed it going into my meeting and wrote it on an index card and
took it with me to my meeting. Once again all I can say is WOW! God
did exactly that. He went before me to my meeting and worked out all
the details. When I would start to feel anxious or fearful He would
remind me of His Word and as I prayed for help He calmed my anxious
heart. Things are better here at our home now but the sad thing is
though that no matter the outcome people got hurt. We live in a
fallen world and sin happens and people suffer and hurt. I hate that
but am thankful God does not leave us there but comes alongside of us
and delivers us and brings us to sweet fellowship with Him. He goes
before us and protects us from the evil one. Please continue to pray
for our family as we serve the Lord in this ministry. Please pray for
our protection from the evil one and please pray we would be a
shining light for Jesus Christ!
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
What hinders me?
What hinders me from
helping the fatherless, the orphan or the least of these? Could it be
the cost financially, what my family and friends think, the time it
takes, my job and or my selfish pride? Do these things really hold me
back or are they just excuses? Let us talk through these ideas.
Point one: The financial
cost to myself and my family. I barely can make it now so how am I
going to feed another kid or even several kids? Also, what if the kid
gets sick? There will be more doctor bills and medicine bills.
Remember I said we're just barely making it now. The answer is the
kids in the system have a medical card, no cost to you. The
government also pays for their room and board which is enough to
cover their needs.
Point two: What will my
family and friends think? They mostly tell you and others how great
you are to help a kid or kids. Often unfortunately in the same breath
some people will also say how crazy you are. Do you know all the
problems these children come from? Do you know it will affect your
kids? Yes I do know and my kids are better for helping other kids.
Some will even say, ”they're not your own kids, how can you love
them?” You can and will also start to understand the mystery of
God's love.
Point three: The time it
takes. It does take a lot of time. Maybe hours up at night, in
hospitals or even with the police. But anything of value doesn't come
easy. It's worth fighting for. When your old or on your death bed you
will not long for more days at work or stuff but you'll long for more
time with your family and friends. Wishing you gave more to help
others. Even wishing you could have done more with and for others.
Point four: My job, is for
what? Are you working just to make more and more money for toys,
trips and stuff? My job is for paying my bills so I can take care of
my family and help as many others as possible. By helping others you
will be punished, harassed and lose out on job opportunities. I've
lived it, why? I'm open about what and why I do to help others. Even
saying, ”I'm just here for a paycheck,” or “I'm just here short
term, maybe 20-30 years or until I can help children full time.”
This will be perceived as not being a team player, oh well. I work
for the Lord and me and my house will serve Him.
Point five: My selfish
pride holding me back. Well if you haven't picked up on it yet from
reading let me explain. Point 1: Cost to me. Point 2 :What
people think about me. Point 3: It takes my time. Point
4: I'm harassed at work. Point 5: My selfish pride,
because it affects me.
It comes down to a three
legged stool. 1st leg is food and water. 2nd
leg is shelter and clothing and the 3rd leg is time and
attention. After these 3 legs you can sit upon a top or a
relationship. What holds it together? Love, trust and open
communication. Also along the way if they get sick you take them to
see a doctor. Where do I get these ideas? It's what I do for my dog.
So why can't I do this for a kid? More importantly over 90% of the
world believes in a God. Don't call them kids but a soul. Something
of value that will have to be answered for someday.
My final thought is a
short story I wrote called Consider Me. “Child born. Needs home.
Adopt me!” These are some thoughts and my heart. A local foster and
adoptive parent, local missionary of F.R.A.M.E. And child of God.
Nicholas J. Stuart
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Awesome Opportunities!
A lot of exciting things
have been happening lately within our county. Our first support group
meeting was very successful. We had a great time of sharing concerns
and ideas and thinking up ways to do what we do for these children
even more excellent. The supervisor provided a wonderful dessert
spread and one of our dear friend's did a team building exercise with
the group that had a wonderful word picture to go along with it. Nick
was able to share a devotional and scripture and prayer. It was a
blessing to hear the Word of God read and prayer in the county
building. We're looking forward to our next support meeting on
Saturday, July 13 at Bethel Baptist Church in Savannah at 6pm.
Our church is hosting a
foster/adopt parent appreciation Sunday June 30. The church is
dedicating the service to the families and honoring them with a lunch
after wards. We want to show our appreciation and also share the love
of Christ with them. We're very excited about this opportunity.
Another exciting
opportunity is a luncheon Nick and I were invited to tomorrow to
share about the FRAME ministry. Another church in our county is
wanting to get on board with helping with reaching “the least of
these.” We're very excited to hear what they have to share and to
be able to share what the Lord has called our family too. Please pray
for our time together. Thank you!
Last but certainly not
least is a tremendous blessing that came Nick and I's way Sunday at
church. A couple at our church, whom we consider as dear, sweet
friends, is wanting to support our ministry in being “foster
grandparents” to our family to provide Nick and I a date night once
a month. They want us to pick a Saturday that will work each month
and they will watch the children while we have time for just us. Let
me tell you this generous offer is worth more to us than any dollar
amount they could've given to us. We're blessed to call them friends
and we pray the Lord blesses them abundantly for their ministry to
not only our family but our marriage.
I hope you've enjoyed
reading about the awesome things God is doing right here in our small
county. I love how God uses ordinary people, all through out
scripture and even now, to do extraordinary things for Him. To God be
the glory!
Thursday, May 16, 2013
First support group meeting
Thank you for praying for
my meeting with our local county children service's supervisor. The
meeting went above and beyond what I was even expecting.
Ephesians 3:20-21 came to
mind that day.
Now to Him who is able to
do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to
the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church and
in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen.
We've been given the
awesome opportunity to partner with our local children services to
provide a “faith based” support group for our counties foster
families. We're very thankful for this partnership and are excited to
see what the Lord has in store for our community. Please keep us in
your prayers as we lead these meetings and encourage families who
care for the “least of these.” We want whatever we say and do to
point people towards Christ. He is the reason we're able to do this
ministry in the first place. He is the reason we can love others
because He first loved us. Below is the information for our first
support group meeting.
FRAME support group to
Ashland county foster & adoptive families
Thursday June 6th
from 6-8pm at the ACDJFS building.
Childcare will be
Special guests that
evening will be ACDJFS director Cassandra Holtzmann and supervisor
Traci Foley. Come meet these two ladies and ask questions and share
Any questions or info on
this event please email us at frame@bethelchapel.com.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
A lot of exciting
opportunities have recently come up in the ministry lately. As you
readers know our family has a passion for “the least of these.”
In the past we have had
the opportunity to share with employees from our local department of
jobs and family services about FRAME and our desire to bring more
awareness about the need for more foster and adoptive families.
Recently our local county has also been realizing their need for more
families. There was an article in our local newspaper recently about
the need for more foster families. A lot of our children are being
placed outside our county because of the lack of families within our
county that are willing to open their homes up to these children. We
were thankful for the article and I emailed the director of children
services and thanked her for the article and shared our passion with
her. During all this God has been using other people in the body of
Christ as well to use their talents to glorify Him concerning, “
the least of these.” A dear friend of mine from church has been
feeling led to talk with leaders in our community concerning this
need and how there are so many local resources availble to help in
this endeavor. As she met with these leaders the Lord opened the door
for her to share about the FRAME ministry. How exciting for the body
of Christ to be using their talents to glorify our Creator.
Last week I received a
phone call from our local department of jobs and family services
supervisor wanting to meet with me about the FRAME ministry helping
in starting a support group for our foster families. The exciting
part is we were already in the works of approaching them about this
and they called us. I have a meeting this Thursday morning. We're
excited to hear what ideas the county has and to Lord willing partner
with them to support our local foster and adoptive families. We need
to be able to keep the families we have but they also need to know
they have the support they need and to feel appreciated for what they
do to help these dear children. Please pray specifically for this
meeting and the hearts of all involved to be open to the Lord's
There are also some plans
in the works to honor our current foster families and to bring more
awareness of the need for more families at acouple events at our
church this summer. As more details unfold I will keep you updated.
There are around 100
churches in our local county. If only one family per church would
open their home up to the “least of these,” these precious
children would not need to be placed outside of their county. Which
means they could possibly stay in their same school and same culture
environment. Less changes for them since they're already having to
make so many changes by coming to live in a new home.
It is past time for the
body of Christ to wake up and be about our Father's business
concerning the “least of these.” Every believer should have some
part in reaching these dear children. Some by opening their homes,
some by giving of their time to help, some by giving financially, and
all by praying and encouraging one another. What part
are you willing to do in this ministry to reach these children? A
dear friend of mine texted me these verses this morning. With doors
opening in our community for the body of Christ to step up to the
plate in reaching these children these verses were most encouraging
to my heart.
Revelation 3:7-8
“And to the angel of the
church in Philadelphia write: He who is holy, who is true, who has
the key of David, who opens and no one will shut, and who shuts and
no one opens, says this: “ I know your deeds. Behold I have put
before you an open door which no one can shut, because you have a
little power, and have kept My word, and have not denied My name.
Wow! God's Word is so
powerful. Please continue to pray for the FRAME ministry, our family
and our local church that we would continue to be about our Father's
business. Please also pray for protection from the evil one.
Thankfully though Greater is He that is in me than he that is in this
world. We're overcomers because of Christ! :0)
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Rest, Reflect and Renew
The R in F.R.A.M.E. stands
for respite. This is something we've done for other foster and
adoptive families but until recently never asked for a respite for
our family. Not only in foster care but in life in general many of us
seem to think we can keep going and going without taking time to
rest, reflect and be renewed. Even Jesus took time from His ministry
and stopped and prayed to His Father in heaven. If Jesus needed to do
this what makes us think we don't? Another reason I believe we
struggle in today's society with taking a “respite” is because we
feel guilty or others make us feel guilty. Actually people who take
“respites” usually are able to cope with life better and have
much to offer to their marriage, children, family, friends, work,
ministries, etc... Obviously taking a respite is in no means
promoting laziness but a time to rest, reflect and walk away feeling
renewed. Recently I requested a respite for a young child that has
been living in our home. We had been experiencing quite a few
struggles with this child in her behavior and I felt like I was at a
point where I was parenting out of frustration instead of being an
effective parent in her life. My husband and I talked and agreed we
would try a respite and see if it would help her and our family. So
during her spring break she spent four nights at another foster home
that we're friends with. We knew she would be safe and parented
similar to how we parent. We trusted this family completely. During
that week I took time to relax, read, pray and just continue to enjoy
life with those the Lord has placed around me. She also had a good
week at their home. Since she has returned her behaviors have been
more back to normal and I feel less frusterated. We share these
stories with you in these blog entries not to bring any glory to
ourselves but to encourage you. We're all on life's journey together.
We may be at different places in our journey but we all still feel
emotions along the way. We encourage you to take time to rest. It's ok
to say no to things. Our days are not made to be so full that we're
so spent we don't have enough time for time for our Lord and family.
Enjoy life, do fun things together but also stop and smell the
flowers, let the breeze blow against your face and praise the One who
created you.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Community Involvement
In our community each year a group of people put on a farmers institute play at our local township hall building. People come from all over to watch this funny, wholesome play. There's 6 nights of entertainment with different businesses and ministries that donate gifts to be given away to people in the audience. FRAME had the privilege of donating gifts this year. FRAME gave out picture frames with info about the ministry and frosty coupons for the children. Would love to hear from anyone who received them and their thoughts on this ministry.
FRAME also had the privilege to sponsor a local softball team. We are excited to bring awareness of fostering and adoption to a new group of people. Please pray for our family as doors are opened to share this ministry with others. We're excited about the opportunities to share FRAME with our community.
FRAME also had the privilege to sponsor a local softball team. We are excited to bring awareness of fostering and adoption to a new group of people. Please pray for our family as doors are opened to share this ministry with others. We're excited about the opportunities to share FRAME with our community.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Live on the victory side!
I love when I talk to
people and they're open and vulnerable about what is going on in
their lives. When they don't just say what they think you want to
hear. Now mind you, you need to stick around to hear their response.
There's no pretenses, just being who we are and not worrying about
measuring up to man's standards but knowing that what defines us is
who we are in Christ. Recently, actually today, the Lord has helped
me understand about something I've been struggling with. I feel led
to be open and share this with you all.
Without a doubt God is
faithful and forever on His throne and I know that He loves me
unconditionally. With all that said I also know we live in a sinful
world and we will go through trials and struggles while we're here.
More recently I have been stuggling with parts of our foster and
adoptive ministry and feeling division in some relationships,
particularly with one child. I didn't like the way I was feeling. I
would pray about it and talk to others but really felt like I wasn't
getting it and feeling delivered from this struggle. I had a dear
friend pray with me at church on Sunday. Another dear friend texted
me scripture today and a song to listen to by Chris Tomlin called, ”O
Lord I need you.” After all the kids had left for school I poured
out my heart to God. Before I share more let me remind you I am not
sharing this to bring any praise to myself but to praise the One who
has strengthened me and to encourage others to seek His face. I knew
I needed to settle this with the Lord and as I cried out to Him I let
everything else go around me; time, phone, chores, etc... This was
top priority. During my time of seeking the Lord I tried with
everything that was in me to lay it all at His feet. I knew nothing
would change in my struggle unless God changed it. During our time
together He revealed Himself, Truth, to me.
Recently I had also
surrendered to God the control of pursuing about this little boy we
were asked about adopting. I knew God was telling me not to call,
text, nothing about this boy and if He wanted him here He would bring
him and we would know this was from God. My husband felt the same
way. God showed me today that my struggle had intensified after my
surrender to Him about the adoption. He also reminded me this was a
spiritual battle and even though it may be costly to obey Him, it is
even more costly to disobey Him.
2 Corinthians 12:8-10
Concerning this I implored
the Lord three times that it might leave me. And He has said to
me, ”My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in
weakness.” Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my
weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. Therefore, I
am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with
persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ's sake; for when I am
weak, then I am strong.
I know this battle isn't
over but I also know that greater is HE that is in me than he that is
in this world. Obeying the Lord is costly but not obeying Him is even
more costly. My heart chooses to obey even though it means I will
have struggles. Through the powerful name of Jesus I will choose to
honor Him through my struggle.
James 1:2-4
Consider it all joy, my
brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing
of your faith produces endurance. And let endurance have its perfect
result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.
I pray you are encouraged
by my vulnerability and that you choose to seek the face of God with
whatever you're going through. Life isn't always easy but we can live
as victors because of Jesus Christ. Live on the victory side!
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Adoption journey update!
Update on our adoption
Wanted to update everyone
on our adoption journey and where we are in that process currently.
Recently we found out that it was not going to work out to be a match
for the three girls we inquired about. We're ok with that decision
because we only want the child or children that God wants in our home
to come. We're happy though that the girls may be getting their
forever home soon. During the process of waiting to hear about the
girls we were asked about adopting a young boy. We've had this boy in
our home in the past for respite and enjoyed our time with him. We
were praying and leaning towards a sibling group but maybe the Lord
has something else in store for our family.
Isaiah 55:9 “As the
heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your
ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.”
So thankful God knows
Also with the little girl
we currently have living with us we don't know how things will turn
out for her and maybe she will need a forever home someday too. Right
now we're continuing to talk together as a family about this and also
as a couple and praying about it. We really want whatever happens to
be God's plans and not our own. Would appreciate your continued
prayers. Thank you!
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Word of mouth
Lately we've been given
many opportunities to share about fostering and adoption through
people God places in our path. Recently my husband and I have had
some health concerns and during our doctor visits had the opportunity
to talk with our doctor about fostering and adoption. It was so
encouraging to hear such a positive response from our doctor.
Another time I seen my
surgeon about my upcoming surgery this Wednesday and during my office
visit we spent probably half of our time discussing fostering and
adoption also. Once again I was encouraged that my surgeon was so
supportive of it. My husband and I have already talked about the
opportunity God may give us to share with whatever people He puts in
our path on Wednesday when I go for my surgery at the hospital. Not
excited for surgery but excited though for the possible opportunity
to bring more awareness about fostering and adoption. This surgery
has got us thinking about why we go through things in life. For
instance why am I having this surgery? One reason could simply be
because my body needs it or could it be that by me going through this
surgery it will give me an opportunity to glorify the Lord? Could be
both! Don't get me wrong we're not questioning God and we are
thankful for the technology and wisdom God has given man to perform
these surgeries with little risks involved. It does get us thinking
though that this is not all about us and that if it means going
through a surgery or going to several doctor appointments for the
opportunity to bring awareness about fostering and adoption and
possibly allow some child or children to receive their forever home,
than it is well worth it.
This past weekend we were
blessed to have an awesome family over for dinner and great
conversation. It was a joy as our families got to share about
fostering and adoption and encourage one another while our children
had fun laughing and playing together.
Another blessing as of
late has been the opportunity I have been given to meet with a group
of adoptive moms and share, talk, laugh and encourage one another on
in our ministry. We all are different ages with different stories but
we have a common thread with our passion for the, “the least of
these.” It's like a dose of medicine being with these ladies and
feeling renewed and encouraged to keep on keeping on.
So wherever God has you
right now in your life take the opportunity to look for ways that you
can glorify Him in your everyday life.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
True Love
Thinking about today, Valentine's day,
and what this holiday represents; LOVE. In our household this is a
fun day to show each other small acts of love. This morning my hubby
surprised me with some very thoughtful gifts and when he went to get
into his van to leave for work I had surprised him with some of his
favorite candy. My youngest son made me a paper football which he was
excited about. Later we'll have a nice dinner together and pass out
valentine's to the kids and a small treat to enjoy. Of course even if
we didn't give these small gifts of love we all know that we love
each other and that it is the meaning behind the gift that really
counts. Cost is not important but what is shared from the heart.
I was also thinking how today reminded
me of hearts and how there are so many children(123,000+) in the
United States waiting for forever homes and to have their hearts
filled with the love a family they can call their own can bring. I
know, I take for granted that I will always have people around me
that will love me and show their love for me. For some of these
children having someone express true love to them is foreign. What
they know as love often presents itself with conditions,
inappropriateness and short lived. No wonder these children come into
our homes confused and act out when we show them love with no strings
attached. It's scary to them. It's something their not used to
experiencing. I would encourage you today to take some time and
prayerfully consider whose heart you could help show true love too
but helping them have a forever family to call their own. We have the
greatest example of love through our Savior Jesus Christ.
1 John 4:10-11
In this is love, not that we loved God,
but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation(payment)
for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one
You may be reading this and thinking I
don't know what true love really is so how can I help someone else.
If this is you I would encourage you to find someone to talk with
about the greatest love story there ever was. Jesus Christ loves you
so much and came to earth to be born of a virgin and died on a cross
for all mankinds sins(past, present & future). But the exciting
part is He didn't stay dead but rose from the grave and is in heaven
interceding to the Father for us. 1 John 4:7 says, “Beloved, let us
love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is
born of God and knows God.”
Having that love and relationship with
God(Jesus) is freely given to all who will receive it. It is a gift
though. You have to choose to receive it. Jesus will not force His
way into your heart. He wants to be there but He also gives us
freewill to choose.
Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned and
fall short of the glory of God.”
Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is
death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our
Romans 10:9-10 &13 “That if you
confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that
God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a
person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he
confesses, resulting in salvation.”
“For whoever will call on the name
of the Lord will be saved.”
Happy Valentine's day!
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Kisses in the Wind
I came across this poem recently. It reminded me of the journey our family is on with waiting to see if we're a match for the sibling group we've inquired about. Even though we've never met, I think about them often.
Kisses in the Wind (author unknown)
I hold you in my heart and touch you in my dreams. You are here each day with me, at least that's how it seems. I know you wonder where we are...what's taking us so long. But remember child, I love you so and God will keep you strong. Now go outside and feel the breeze and let it touch your skin...because tonight, just as always, I blow kisses in the wind. May God hold you in his hand until I can be with you. I promise you, my darling, I'm doing all that I can do. Very soon, you'll have a family for real, not just pretend. But for tonight, just as always, I blow you kisses in the wind. May God wrap you in His arms and hold you very tight. And let the angels bring the kisses that I send to you each night.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Apron for adoption
Recently at our church our Pastor presented our family with an adoption apron he bought for our family and the frame ministry. The apron was decorated by children that are waiting to be adopted. The apron is full of color and talks about kids wanting parents. Just looking at all the details and words the children put into the apron brought tears to my eyes. Our pastor purchased the apron for us at the 11th Annual Dave Thomas Celebrity Cook off. The Northeast Ohio Adoption Services and the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption were represented there. For more information visit DaveThomasFoundation.org or call 1-800-ASK-DTFA. I would also encourage you to check out Northeast Ohio Adoption Services website(NOAS). In the program for the Celebrity Cookoff the executive director, Cindy Deal, says,”It is simply not Ok to let children grow up without the love and security of permanent families.” Well said Cindy. All children deserve their forever families. Please consider praying about your family possibly being someone's forever family. Also those of you that enjoy eating out at resturants I encourage you to support Wendy's by eating there. Not only are you getting great food but you're helping to further a great cause, adoption:0)
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
in life the hardest things to understand are the simpliest things. We
make complicated things simplified or simple things complicated.
Sometimes things are just what they are, no more or no less. When you
take things at face value then you'll be able to see there's much
more. Here's a short story I wrote about adoption.
born. Needs home. Adopt Me.
can be a very hard and difficult journey, with many obstacles and
unexpected turns along the way. But it is just as simple as the short
story I wrote above and can end with as much if not more joy that is
experienced through birth.
Thursday, January 31, 2013
One year ago today
year ago today, January 31, 2012 we were incredibly blessed to adopt
our oldest daughter. Prior to her adoption she had lived with us for
½ years. We went through several different court hearings and
switched from a social worker to an adoption worker that was working
with us to help make this all happen. I remember when she first came
and was very reserved and quiet. She needed to be taught different
things that we take for granted because of our parents teaching us
and hers did not. She went from learning to follow a recipe and
helping me bake to now doing it all on her own. Usually if there's
something that needs baked in the house she volunteers to make it.
She has grown emotionally, physically, mentally and most importantly
spiritually. During her time with us before her adoption at one of
our church's Wednesday night programs she accepted Jesus into her
heart. That's what it's all about.:) We're very proud of her and the
fine young lady she is becoming. She is very compassionate towards
others and does a great job helping around the house. She is relaxing
more and learning to have fun and let her guard down. It's neat to
see her laughing and enjoying life like she should. She has an
obedient heart and my prayer for her and all our children is that
they will love the Lord with all their heart, soul, mind and
strength. That He is their everything! We're very thankful on this
day to have our daughter in our lives. We may not have been the
parents that gave birth to her but oh what a blessing it is to be the
parents that get to raise her. To God be the glory!
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Passing it on
big part of the frame ministry is to help out and encourage others
that God puts in our paths. This could happen in various types of
ways. You may know a person or family in need of something and you're
able to help meet that need. You may know someone who is going
through a hard time or even someone who is doing well but could
benefit from a little note of encouragement. It doesn't take much to
brighten someone's day. Try going about your day carrying a smile on
your face, even just a smile brightens people's days. We've been
blessed to be able to help others and also to have others help us.
Recently a good friend of ours that lives up the road gave our
daughters a big bag of clothes that her older daughter had outgrown.
She has done this several times for our family and our girls are
always excited to see what's in the bag or bags. Our family is very
appreciative for their thoughtfulness. It's fun to see kids wearing
clothes that our kids used to wear also. Of course we could sell
these items or just keep them in storage but what a blessing it is to
pass them on and see the enjoyment they bring to others. So I
encourage you to look for ways this week to be a blessing to those
that God puts in your path. With a smile, a note, a text, cleaning
out your closets and passing them on, etc... We're so blessed to have
what we have in this country and we need to be careful not to take
that for granted.
John 3:17
whoever had this world's goods, and sees his brother in need, and
shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him?
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Hearts of love
my hubby had a special gift made for me. Made out of milk glass the
gift was two hearts connected with each other, one being blue and the
other pink with metal going around the edges. I can add ribbon and
hang it in our van. The hearts are to remember our precious babies
that we lost through miscarriage who are in heaven and also all the
other children we've had in our home. I love that I will have that
gift as a reminder of the children and my love for them no matter how
long I knew them. I feel like it's a way of grieving that will help
my heart to feel open to grieve in a positive way. I would encourage
you that no matter what losses you may have had in your life to allow
your heart to grieve. Man or woman, grieving is part of life. Tucking
our hurts away doesn't make the pain leave. Even talking about our
hurt doesn't make the pain leave completely, but it frees us in a way
to continue to enjoy life and not be held down by our hurt. We can
move on without guilt but always holding a special place in our
hearts for those we love and cannot be with now. So I encourage you
to honor your loved ones by allowing your heart to grieve.
Monday, January 21, 2013
Our new adoption journey
Recently the Lord has began working on
our hearts about adopting again, this time though adopting a sibling
group. With the dynamics of our family we're feeling led to adopt out
and keep our license current for respite and emergency care. We
always knew we were open to adopting again but just didn't know when
it would happen. Since we're going about this adoption differently
than our previous adoption I called and talked with the supervisor
where we're licensed through. She called me back and was very
helpful. We really want to stay with the county we're licensed in and
be used where God has planted us. We've started the search and going
through profiles of sibling groups that are in the age range we're
looking for. Once we find a group we would like to inquiry about we
contact our county supervisor to get permission to have our home
study sent to the case manager of the sibling group we're inquiring
about. Then we wait and see if these are the children God has for us
and if not we keep praying and searching and waiting for God's
perfect timing. We're in no rush. Even if our home study seems to be
a fit for a group of children they would need to live with us for at
least 6 months before adoption can occur. That is a state law and we
support that law fully because it takes time, sometimes longer than 6
months to see if you and the child or children can bond and to make
sure there's no unforeseen issues that may appear that you may need
assistance with before the adoption if finalized. We're very excited
about this journey and have had several dinner table talks with our
children about this and how they feel. They're excited too! We have
inquired about one sibling group and now we're waiting. This part of
the process can take some time. During one of my devotions the Lord
led me to a passage in Proverbs that eventually led me to Jeremiah
22:16. When I read Jeremiah 22:16 it was a wow moment with God. I
have read that verse before but that day when I read it God used His
Word to speak directly to my heart to confirm what He had called our
family to do concerning adoption. Through this journey I will cling
to that passage and trust Him to see us through.
Jeremiah 22:16
“He pled the cause of the afflicted
and needy; then it was well. Is not that what it means to know Me?”
Declares the Lord.
Thursday, January 17, 2013
101 Ways to get involved in foster care...
For lovers of lists who also have an interest in foster care, this is my “Ultimate List of Opportunities” to get involved in helping vulnerable children and families. I’ve tried to separate them by general categories but as you no doubt will notice, there is some overlap. Some suggestions may not apply to your community or your life circumstances. The good news is that, with 101 included you are sure to find something that ‘fits’. Just look for the statement(s) in bold that describe(s) your situation. Above all, I want to emphasize, DO SOMETHING!
A. I have space in my heart and/or home and I’m interested in getting actively involved in foster care now.
1. Become a CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate) Volunteer2. Become a Foster Parent
3. Become a Foster Grandparent
4. Provide Respite Foster Care
5. Serve as a Guardian for a Child/Youth in the Foster Care System
6. Become Licensed to Provide Care for a Child/Youth in Your Extended Family who is at Risk of Placement with a Non-Relative
7. Adopt a Child from the Foster Care System
8. Volunteer on a Local Foster Care Review Board
9. Become a “Grand-Friend” to Foster Child/Youth by Attending Their School Activities, Sporting Events, Concerts, Etc.
B. I have reliable transportation and am able to assist with getting around.
10. Transport Children for Sibling Visitations11. Transport Parents/Children to Visits
12. Transport Families/Children to Court Hearings
13. Transport Families/Children to Medical Appointments
14. Transport Families/Children to Therapy Sessions
15. Transport a Child/Youth in Foster Care to School
16. Offer to Carpool with Foster Parents in Your Neighborhood
17. Transport a Child/Youth in Foster Care to and from Extra-Curricular Activities
18. Provide Transportation to Former Foster Youth in College to/from School
C. I have skills or talents to share with foster children, teens, or families.
19. Provide an Internship Opportunity to a Foster Youth at Your Employment20. Mentor a Child/Youth in Foster Care
21. Proofread Papers/Help with Homework For a Youth in Foster Care
22. Chaperone/Assist with an Event (Picnic, Sledding) for Foster Families
23. Tutor a Child or Youth in Foster Care
24. Help a Foster Youth Prepare for ACT/College Entrance Exams
25. Teach Financial Literacy to Youth in Foster Care
26. Teach Independent Living Skills (such as Cooking, Shopping, and Using the Laundromat) to Youth in Foster Care
27. Hire and Teach a Foster Youth to do Household Maintenance, Yard Work, Snow Shoveling, etc.
28. Teach a Youth in Foster Care How to Drive
D. My resources are limited but I have time to devote to helping those in foster care.
29. Provide After-School Care for a Foster Family30. Read to a Child in Foster Care
31. Assist a Foster Parent with Child Care
32. Call Your Local Child Welfare Office to Volunteer to Assist with Administrative Tasks
33. Volunteer to Serve as an Educational Advocate (Sometimes Called Surrogates) for Students Receiving Special Education Services
34. Invite a Foster Child/Youth New in Your Neighborhood to Play Basketball or Soccer, attend a Ball Game, or Other Community Event
35. Assist a Local Shelter or Residential Program By Supervising Outings or Group Activities
36. Ask Your Church or Other Social Organizations to Sponsor a Foster Family
37. Sponsor a Support Group for Foster Parents/Children (provide space, coffee, food, supplies)
38. Talk with Your Local School About Unmet Needs (Time or Resources) of Enrolled Foster Children
39. Encourage a Child/Youth in Foster Care to Participate in Community Events
40. Accompany Foster Child/Youth to Plays, Sports Events, Musical Performances
41. Prepare a Special Meal for a Foster Family
E. My time is limited but I have financial and other resources to share.
42. Buy Back-to-School Clothes for a Foster Child/Youth43. Buy Back-to-School Supplies for a Foster Child/Youth
44. Pay Extra-Curricular Fees for a Child/Youth in Foster Care
45. Support a Local Angel Tree Program During the Holidays
46. Provide Prom Dress or Tuxedo for Foster Youth
47. Sponsor a Foster Child to Attend Pre-school or a Day Care Program
48. Sponsor a Foster Child/Youth to Take Part in a Community Summer Program
49. Pay Fees/Provide Spending Money for a Senior Trip/Vacation for a Youth in Foster Care
50. Donate New or Used Clothing in Good Condition to a Clothes Closet for Foster Care Providers
51. Donate New or Used Bicycles, Skateboards, and Other Recreational Equipment to a Foster Care Program
52. Donate Musical Instruments to Children/Youth in Foster Care
53. Donate to Local Foster Care Programs
54. Donate to Organizations Providing Advocacy for Children/Youth in Foster Care
55. Give a Baby Bed or Other Furniture to a New Foster Parent
56. Purchase Diapers, Formula, or Baby Food For a New Foster Parent
57. Provide Uniform to Foster Youth for Sports, Band, or Other Activities
58. Sponsor a Child/Youth to Attend Summer Camp
59. Buy Art Supplies for Children/Youth in Foster Care
60. Provide Membership Fees to Local YMCA/YWCA or Rec Center
61. Provide Membership to Local Museums, Zoos, Etc.
62. Buy Bus/Public Transit Passes for Foster Families
F. My interest is in helping young adults with career preparation and transitioning to independence.
63. Donate Your Used Computer to a Foster Youth Attending College64. Assist Former Foster Youth with Resume/Portfolio for Job Applications
65. Purchase an Interview Outfit for a Former Foster Youth
66. Provide a Cell Phone for a Former Foster Youth
67. Organize a Holiday Break Housing Program for Former Foster Youth
68. Buy Textbooks for a Former Foster Youth Attending College
69. Provide Lodging to a Former Foster Youth During College Holiday Breaks
70. Buy Restaurant Gift Cards for Former Foster Youth
71. Offer Apprenticeship to Former Foster Youth
72. Assist Youth Leaving Foster Care with Securing Housing, Managing Their Budget
73. Donate Furniture to Former Foster Youth
74. Hire Foster Youth for Summer Jobs
75. Buy Bus/Public Transit Passes for Youth Who Have Aged Out of Foster Care
G. I want to assist Biological Families who just need a helping hand to keep their family stable, safe, and secure.
76. Mentor a Struggling Biological Parent
77. Offer to Provide Respite Care to a Biological Parent Who Has Reunified with their Children
78. Provide Holiday Meal to Recently Reunified Family
79. Assist Biological Parents with Attending Necessary Support Groups (AA, NA, etc.)
80. Engage Biological Parents in Community Events and Activities
81. Mentor a New Parent Who is At-risk (Teen Parent, Former Foster Youth, Person with Limited Support System)
82. Help a Struggling Biological Parent with Meals, Household Tasks, etc.
83. Reach Out and Provide Encouragement to a Biological Parent
84. Assist a Biological Parent with Job Seeking/Success Skills
85. Assist a Biological Parent with Transportation to Appointments, Work, etc.
H. My time and resources are limited right now but I have lots of space in my heart for kids in foster care.
86. Talk to Your Kids About Reaching Out to Children/Youth in Foster Care at School/Neighborhood87. Watch Programs like Home for the Holiday with Your Family and Encourage Friends and Family to Join You
88. Gather Information and Educate Yourself, Family, Co-workers and Friends About the Needs of Kids in Foster Care
89. Read Books About Foster Care (Like “I Beat the Odds” by Michael Oher) to Become Better Informed
90. Support Programs and the Work of Persons That Highlight Successes or Advocate on Behalf of Children/Youth in Foster Care (for example, Jimmy Wayne and Wayne Dyer, and by Watching Movies/Television Programs About Children/Youth/Families and Their Achievements After Foster Care)
91. Boycott Movies and Television Programs That Provide Negative Stereotypes or Vilify Children/Youth in Foster Care (Unfortunately, there have been a few…)
92. Write to Movie/Television Producers Asking Them to Stop Harming Children/Youth in Care by Promoting Negative Stereotypes
93. Ask Your Employer to Support Foster Care Through Employee/Company Donations of Time and/or Money
94. Belong to a Civic Organization? Invite a Youth in Foster Care to Share Their Experiences
95. Talk With Your Children About Foster Care, Empathy, and Bullying (kids in foster care are often ostracized by both kids and parents)
96. Learn About Pending Legislation Affecting Children/Youth in Foster Care at the State and National Level
97. Call or Write Your Elected Representatives to Encourage Their Support of Child Welfare Legislation
98. Vote for Candidates Who Have Demonstrated Leadership in Improving the Foster Care System (such as Senator Landrieu, Congressman McDermott)
99. Write “Letters to the Editor” Advocating for Children/Youth in Foster Care
100. Use Social Media and Blog/Tweet/Post To Engage and Inform Others About Foster Care
101. Share Information About Programs Doing Great Work in Foster Care
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Picture Frames
Another part of the FRAME ministry is to encourage people to set up empty picture frames, size doesn't matter, in their home or office. This is a symbol to remind us to pray for all the children that need a home. You may be praying for a specific child or a sibling group that you know, or even a family you know that fosters or adopts. You may not know who to pray for so when you see your empty frame it reminds you to pray for all children that need a forever home and for the families that are trying to make their forever home a reality. The frames in and of themselves don't change anything but the prayer that goes along with the frames does. Prayer changes lives!
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Our new journey in blogging
Our family is excited to begin this new journey in blogging with the F.R.A.M.E. ministry. In 2008 we began our journey of fostering and adoption. Since then the Lord has blessed our family to help over 20+ children and adopt one child. We're also blessed to have three biological children and two children in heaven we lost through miscarriage. In 2011 the Lord called our family to start the F.R.A.M.E. ministry in partnership with our local church. Our church commissioned us in October of 2011. Since then the Lord has opened many doors for our family to encourage and assist those who are interested in fostering or adoption or even to encourage people who may not feel led to have children live in their home through fostering and adoption but are open to pray for the children and the ministry and give of their time, talents and resources. In January of 2012 we were blessed to be able to share the F.R.A.M.E. ministry at a church in New York where some of our good friends attend and encourage their church to get on board with encouraging those in their area. Later in the year in 2012 the F.R.A.M.E. ministry was able to help support financially a local adoption. What a blessing it would be if we all would minister where God has planted us and encourage those around us. It's awesome how God uses ordinary people to accomplish His purposes.
Now that the F.R.A.M.E. ministry is underway our next step is to start blogging to keep people updated about all the awesome things God is doing in this ministry.
Be looking for upcoming posts about our new adoption journey the Lord has recently called us to.
Now that the F.R.A.M.E. ministry is underway our next step is to start blogging to keep people updated about all the awesome things God is doing in this ministry.
Be looking for upcoming posts about our new adoption journey the Lord has recently called us to.
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