The R in F.R.A.M.E. stands
for respite. This is something we've done for other foster and
adoptive families but until recently never asked for a respite for
our family. Not only in foster care but in life in general many of us
seem to think we can keep going and going without taking time to
rest, reflect and be renewed. Even Jesus took time from His ministry
and stopped and prayed to His Father in heaven. If Jesus needed to do
this what makes us think we don't? Another reason I believe we
struggle in today's society with taking a “respite” is because we
feel guilty or others make us feel guilty. Actually people who take
“respites” usually are able to cope with life better and have
much to offer to their marriage, children, family, friends, work,
ministries, etc... Obviously taking a respite is in no means
promoting laziness but a time to rest, reflect and walk away feeling
renewed. Recently I requested a respite for a young child that has
been living in our home. We had been experiencing quite a few
struggles with this child in her behavior and I felt like I was at a
point where I was parenting out of frustration instead of being an
effective parent in her life. My husband and I talked and agreed we
would try a respite and see if it would help her and our family. So
during her spring break she spent four nights at another foster home
that we're friends with. We knew she would be safe and parented
similar to how we parent. We trusted this family completely. During
that week I took time to relax, read, pray and just continue to enjoy
life with those the Lord has placed around me. She also had a good
week at their home. Since she has returned her behaviors have been
more back to normal and I feel less frusterated. We share these
stories with you in these blog entries not to bring any glory to
ourselves but to encourage you. We're all on life's journey together.
We may be at different places in our journey but we all still feel
emotions along the way. We encourage you to take time to rest. It's ok
to say no to things. Our days are not made to be so full that we're
so spent we don't have enough time for time for our Lord and family.
Enjoy life, do fun things together but also stop and smell the
flowers, let the breeze blow against your face and praise the One who
created you.