A lot of exciting
opportunities have recently come up in the ministry lately. As you
readers know our family has a passion for “the least of these.”
In the past we have had
the opportunity to share with employees from our local department of
jobs and family services about FRAME and our desire to bring more
awareness about the need for more foster and adoptive families.
Recently our local county has also been realizing their need for more
families. There was an article in our local newspaper recently about
the need for more foster families. A lot of our children are being
placed outside our county because of the lack of families within our
county that are willing to open their homes up to these children. We
were thankful for the article and I emailed the director of children
services and thanked her for the article and shared our passion with
her. During all this God has been using other people in the body of
Christ as well to use their talents to glorify Him concerning, “
the least of these.” A dear friend of mine from church has been
feeling led to talk with leaders in our community concerning this
need and how there are so many local resources availble to help in
this endeavor. As she met with these leaders the Lord opened the door
for her to share about the FRAME ministry. How exciting for the body
of Christ to be using their talents to glorify our Creator.
Last week I received a
phone call from our local department of jobs and family services
supervisor wanting to meet with me about the FRAME ministry helping
in starting a support group for our foster families. The exciting
part is we were already in the works of approaching them about this
and they called us. I have a meeting this Thursday morning. We're
excited to hear what ideas the county has and to Lord willing partner
with them to support our local foster and adoptive families. We need
to be able to keep the families we have but they also need to know
they have the support they need and to feel appreciated for what they
do to help these dear children. Please pray specifically for this
meeting and the hearts of all involved to be open to the Lord's
There are also some plans
in the works to honor our current foster families and to bring more
awareness of the need for more families at acouple events at our
church this summer. As more details unfold I will keep you updated.
There are around 100
churches in our local county. If only one family per church would
open their home up to the “least of these,” these precious
children would not need to be placed outside of their county. Which
means they could possibly stay in their same school and same culture
environment. Less changes for them since they're already having to
make so many changes by coming to live in a new home.
It is past time for the
body of Christ to wake up and be about our Father's business
concerning the “least of these.” Every believer should have some
part in reaching these dear children. Some by opening their homes,
some by giving of their time to help, some by giving financially, and
all by praying and encouraging one another. What part
are you willing to do in this ministry to reach these children? A
dear friend of mine texted me these verses this morning. With doors
opening in our community for the body of Christ to step up to the
plate in reaching these children these verses were most encouraging
to my heart.
Revelation 3:7-8
“And to the angel of the
church in Philadelphia write: He who is holy, who is true, who has
the key of David, who opens and no one will shut, and who shuts and
no one opens, says this: “ I know your deeds. Behold I have put
before you an open door which no one can shut, because you have a
little power, and have kept My word, and have not denied My name.
Wow! God's Word is so
powerful. Please continue to pray for the FRAME ministry, our family
and our local church that we would continue to be about our Father's
business. Please also pray for protection from the evil one.
Thankfully though Greater is He that is in me than he that is in this
world. We're overcomers because of Christ! :0)