Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Update on FRAME

It's been awhile since we've posted a blog. The kids are back to school now and summer has come and gone way too fast. Thankful though for the fun times and memories made this past summer. Hard to believe another school year has come. With 2 freshmen, 1 6th grader, 1 3rd and a kindergartener our household stays interesting to say the least. Looking forward to another great year of school and thankful for the great school system our kids are blessed to attend.

A lot of activities have been going on with our FRAME ministry.

FRAME is actively supporting Ashland county with leading a support group for foster and adoptive families. Our next one is Saturday, September 7th at our place. Cook out at 5pm and meeting at 6pm. Looking forward to a great time.

We had the opportunity to get word out about FRAME at our schools first day celebration at their community tables outreach. Our neighboring county, Richland, is interested also in FRAME's involvement in their county. That is something we're still discussing and need to pray about.

We continue to work alongside our county, Ashland, to help encourage current foster and adoptive families and to help recruit new families. We've been invited to display our FRAME materials at Ashland county children service's booth at our county fair that is coming up in mid September. There are over 80 children in care in Ashland county and only 8 foster homes. The need is great!

Well there is a little update on what is going on with the ministry. Please continue to pray for our family as we serve the Lord through FRAME and for protection for us from the evil one. Thankfully greater is He that is in me than he that is in this world.

Just say Jesus!

Deuteronomy 31:8

The Lord is the One who goes ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.

Wow! What a verse. So thankful to my sis for giving me this verse this past week as our family went through a spiritual battle with our ministry.

I share our experiences with you not to bring praise to us in anyway but to encourage you along your journey and to point you to the One who deserves all our praise.

Friday evening at our home turned out to be an evening we'll probably never forget. What seemed like a normal day changed into something that changed things in our household forever. Something happened involving the children we foster. Something that we could've not predicted or expected would happen. So here we go into battle once again. Our household was a mess and there was an endless supply of tears from most of our eyes. Everything seemed to be falling apart before our eyes and all we could do was try to breathe and cry out to God in whatever few words we could get out. During this struggle our oldest son was in his room reading his Bible. He came upstairs to show me the passage he was reading and he wanted me to read it. Wow! God using my 11 year old son to encourage my heart. As the weekend went on we had numerous people praying for our family and we were ready for Monday to come to try to figure everything out that was going on. My flesh was weak, mad, frusterated, angry, hurt, etc... but thankfully we serve a Savior who never leaves us or forsakes us. Even in our darkest hours He is the light that gets us through. My sister also sent me a song called, “Just say Jesus.” Wow, once again. Part of the song goes, “when you don't know what to say, just say Jesus. There is power in His name, the name of Jesus.” There were points this weekend when all I could get the words to say was Jesus and through that song it encouraged me that saying Jesus was enough. It was ok that I didn't have the right words to pray or that I felt like my heart was torn from my chest. Just say Jesus!

Monday morning, the day we were waiting for. The day we were hoping for to straighten up all this madness. Before my meeting I prayed the verse my sister gave me, that I wrote at the beginning of this post. I claimed it going into my meeting and wrote it on an index card and took it with me to my meeting. Once again all I can say is WOW! God did exactly that. He went before me to my meeting and worked out all the details. When I would start to feel anxious or fearful He would remind me of His Word and as I prayed for help He calmed my anxious heart. Things are better here at our home now but the sad thing is though that no matter the outcome people got hurt. We live in a fallen world and sin happens and people suffer and hurt. I hate that but am thankful God does not leave us there but comes alongside of us and delivers us and brings us to sweet fellowship with Him. He goes before us and protects us from the evil one. Please continue to pray for our family as we serve the Lord in this ministry. Please pray for our protection from the evil one and please pray we would be a shining light for Jesus Christ!