Friday, September 27, 2013

Going to bat!

Wednesday morning I had an important meeting I needed to attend concerning our foster daughter. Honestly I was not looking forward to this meeting but I knew it was necessary to go to support our foster daughter and what was in her best interest. Nick and I are huge advocates for getting as much help as possible for children as they stay in our home. That may be through medical appointments, counseling, clothing, educational assistance, etc... We speak up for them and push for decisions to be made in the child's best interest. They need a voice and for whatever length of time they stay with us we go to bat for them. So why would this meeting be any different, right? Very thankful to say our county's children service department handled the meeting very professionally but as I sat across the table from a birth parent and heard accusation after accusation against me with no evidence to prove anything I am so thankful for a heavenly Father who calms my emotions and speaks through me. I said very little but what I did say I meant and was direct, but kind also. I am not here to tear anybody up but you better believe I will stand up for what is right. I've learned through this ministry and life as I grow older and grow in my walk with the Lord that sometimes the fewer words said can be best. To make those words really count and not to back down from what you believe in. Right is right and wrong is wrong and there is NO gray area. As I left the meeting and headed back to work subbing at the school the Lord put a word picture in my mind of what it was like for Him when He went to bat for me and suffered and went to the cross and took my place even though He was innocent. Wow! Thankful that my Savior gets what I'm going through and walks right beside me through this journey of life. Of course my situation is nothing in comparison to what Jesus went through but still thankful He gets me and truly understands how I feel.

Please be in prayer for our ministry as we begin taping this Saturday for a dvd that will be given to churches to share with their congregations on orphan Sunday in November. The need for foster families is great and we need the body of Christ to go to bat for these kids. This dvd will hopefully help to answer questions and point people to ways they can get involved. Very thankful for the churches and families that are involved in helping to make this dvd happen.

Our last support meeting was a success and the adults enjoyed the fellowship with one another as the children laughed and played together. We plan to do our October/November meeting combined with a family style dinner with our families. Please pray as we try to reach and encourage more families to get involved with the support meetings.

Thanks for taking time to read our blogs and pray for our family and ministry. You are a part of this ministry too and your prayers are changing lives. God bless you all!:0)