Happy New Year!
This year has brought many memories to our family. Some wonderful while some were hard to go through, but through them all God remained faithful and strengthened us along the way. Many times God brought Deut 31:8 to our hearts this past year. Thankful that no matter what we go through in life, we never have to go through it alone.
Were very excited for what the Lord has for our family and FRAME in 2014. In Jan we are planning to have our first meeting with FRAMEs advisory team. Very thankful for those that God has laid on our hearts to join us in this ministry. Also starting in Feb we will be starting a faith based support group for North Central Ohio. Anyone who has, is or thinking about fostering and/or adopting is welcome. Also kinship families are welcome. We look forward to encouraging one another on our journeys as we help these precious hurt children. Our first meeting will be the second Monday of Feb and be every other month. Childcare will be provided on the same premises as the support meetings. If you would like more info or to be added to an email list that goes out about our meetings please contact us at frame@bethelchapel.com
Our family prays you have a blessed New Year and that you know how truly much Jesus Christ loves you.
The Stuarts