Thursday, September 3, 2015

Update on Frame ministry!:)

I wanted to write and give our readers an update as to what is going on in the Frame ministry. Since our last blog #way to long ago, #I need to blog more #my kids keep me busy:), a lot has happened.

 Frame had the opportunity to host a table at the National day of prayer breakfast in our local town of Ashland, Ohio. This was my husband and I's first time attending and I must say it was a blessing. We hope to attend again in the future. Thanks to our local church for their sponsorship in this event.

Right now we currently do not have any foster children. Two of the children we had living with us last time I wrote have moved on. One of them got to go live with their family and is doing great. We're still keeping in contact with each other. They text and call and we get to stay involved in this little blessing's life. We're so thankful for that. Please pray for the other child. They're still struggling in their journey.

Two other kiddos that used to live with us continue to come and visit and soon will be returning to live with family. Their family member is also wanting to stay in contact with us and allow us to take the kids to church. Needless to say we're once again very thankful.

This school year we have a foreign exchange daughter, Ivy, from Hong Kong living with us. She is the same age as our other daughters. She is settling in nicely and is a blessing to have in our home. We're learning from her and hopefully she is learning from us as well.

Frame is collecting duffle bags again for our local foster and adoptive agency. It is SO IMPORTANT that children receive a duffle bag instead of a trash bag to put their items in, if they even get to bring anything. These precious children are not trash, but are created by God and deserve to be loved and treated like the treasure they are. If you would like to donate to our duffle bag campaign please message us on this blog or email us at You can call our local church office also at 419-962-4763 and leave a message for Frame. Please be in prayer for these kiddos who will be receiving these duffle bags. Our biggest prayer is that they know they are loved and accepted. Even in the struggle of their daily lives they're loved not only by us but more importantly by the One who created them. He has a wonderful plan for their lives. Would you consider being a part of that plan?

Thanks for taking the time to read our updates. Praying for you and your family!