Sitting here in a small, dark hospital room while my beautiful blonde is getting an iv infusion for her chronic migraines. Yesterday we came through these same hospital doors as well, not only for her but also for my handsome fifteen year old son who recently found out he has a large tumor on his thyroid. After seeing a specialist and getting a biopsy done we were sent home to wait for the results. The Dr seemed optimistic regardless of how the biopsy turns out. For that I am thankful.
It's kind of interesting how I am feeling about all this. I'm not a babbling mess & I actually feel like we're going to be just fine through all this. I credit that to my Heavenly Father. I believe that each thing we go through in life can also be a life lesson for us and help prepare us for things we may go through later in our life. I think if I would've never been faced with health challenges with my kids before this would've rocked my world more than it is. But with the challenges our family has already faced, I believe they've helped to prepare us for where we are today & how we approach this new journey we're being asked to walk down. Don't get me wrong. I'm still a very concerned momma & would do anything to protect my babies, but I have a deep feeling inside me that God's got this & we're going to be alright. My babies ultimately belong to Him & I just get the awesome privilege of being their momma.
My heart & desire through all this is that others would see Jesus in us. In how we talk, act, handle our new journey, etc... That doesn't mean that we have to have it all together or that we can't shed a tear. Jesus relied on His Heavenly Father and even sweated blood through His prayers. I want us to be real & realize we have no control over this but our Savior does. Trusting more & worrying less. Going before the throne room of God more & our minds racing in a thousand directions less. I've learned in life that sometimes the sweetest moments we have with the Lord can sometimes be when we're asked to go through some of the hardest times. Believe me, I'm not asking for hard times. But let's be honest. Hard times are going to come & for our family, hard times are here. So in the hard I want to thank Him. In the hard I want to praise Him. In the hard I want others to see Jesus in us & if they don't know Him my prayer is they'll want Him too.