Thursday, February 5, 2015

Freedom from strongholds

Good morning! I've been needing to post a blog again so with a snow day today, here goes.

I love how the Lord loves us. He loves us not if we do certain works for Him but because He created us and loves us. Growing up in church and accepting Jesus as my Savior at a young age has been a blessing. I've heard Bible story after Bible story repeated time upon time and have heard more times than I can count Jesus loves me said. So thankful for that. Recently though while reading a book called, Gospel by JD Greear, recommended by one of my dearest friends, my eyes and heart were set free from a bondage I didn't realize I still was having at 35 years of life, especially after being saved at a young age and growing up in church with loving, godly parents.
The part that God used in the book to speak to my heart was this:
"In Christ, there is nothing I can do that would make You love me more, and nothing I have done that makes You love me less."
You might be thinking to yourself well if you got saved young and grew up in church you should've already knew that. Well I knew it in my head but apparently not in my heart like I should've. As God spoke freedom to my heart it was like a brick lifted from my chest. A stronghold had been demolished. I grew up wanting to please everyone for the most part. Being a people pleaser isn't all bad but letting it control you is. Pleasing man over God is never acceptable. Feeling many times I never measured up or would be good enough at whatever I was doing. Sometimes this would not be a struggle at all and other times it would slap me right in the face being a stronghold in my life. In Christ that stronghold is gone. My loving Savior reassured my heart that when God looks at me He looks at me through the righteousness of His Son, Jesus Christ. Once again I had known this before but man did it ever sink in during this time with the Lord. Times I would feel guilty if I didn't spend enough time in the Word or prayer or do this good thing or that good thing and my Savior lovingly reassured me," Monica I love you! Not what you do but you! I love you if you spend time in My Word. I love you if you pray to Me. I love you if you serve at the church. BUT, I also love you when you didn't spend time in the Word with Me that day, or you didn't talk to Me as much as I would've liked you too and if you feel overwhelmed at times serving, I still love you! " Wow! What freedom. My perspective has changed and I have a peace in my heart that words alone cannot fully express how I feel. Freedom to raise my hands in church and worship a loving Savior even if I've had a bad week and my character hasn't reflected Christ much, because worshipping isn't about me, it's about Him. Freedom to start over each day, each moment and enjoy spending time with Jesus, not because I should because that's what Christians should do, but because I get to do it. So thankful that God continues to mold and shape my heart to look more and more like Jesus.

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