Monday, August 7, 2017

College & Diapers...And Everything In Between!!!

It's always interesting to see where we end up from where we start. Plans we have for our lives. Some of those plans coming into fruition, while other plans are put aside & forgotten. At this stage in my life I don't think I ever planned to have two kiddos heading to college & changing diapers still on another little kiddo in our home all in the same time period. I love how we can have our whole lives planned out and then...There's God!!! I remember the ache in my heart for the two kiddos we have living with us now when I heard they needed a home. Both were ages we were not considering(teenager & infant) at the time because of our current family dynamics. What in the world were we thinking starting all over again with bottles & diapers all along helping our oldest two apply to colleges, visit campuses and finish their high school years out well. To be honest there are still days I wonder what have I gotten myself into, but then... There's God!!! He gently prods my heart and reminds me about eternity. About how His ways & plans are so much better than anything I could ever think up for myself or my family. He reminds me "I get" to do this mom thing... What a blessing it is & what a roller coaster it is as well between 2 starting college(one moving out, one commuting), 2 playing football, 1 starting a new school(high school in that), 1 learning to walk, 1 having surgery next week, several appointments on top of appointments, 2 visiting bio families(which stirs up all kinds of emotions) & getting to celebrate 20 years of marriage this fall with my high school sweetheart & best friend! So maybe life has taken me on some different paths than I would've originally planned for myself or my family. But that's ok, because... There's God!!! I pray I always have an open & willing heart to put my agenda aside & let Him lead.


  1. You have Been an inspiration to me, so proud of you and Nick. This next season will hold many exciting moments.

  2. You have Been an inspiration to me, so proud of you and Nick. This next season will hold many exciting moments.
